Member of team :
Lieu :
CYU St-Martin, A573
Phone :
01 34 25 28 13
Phone :
01 30 73 62 93
IEEE SENIOR Member (member of the IEEE Signal Processing and the IEEE Nuclear Plasma Sciences societies).
2005-present: Professor at the CY Cergy Paris University (was the University of Cergy-Pontoise before January 1st 2020).
ETIS laboratory (CY Cergy Paris University / ENSEA/ CNRS UMR 8051).
1990-2004: associate professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise.
1989-1990: consulting engineer, CISI Telematic Conseil
1988: PhD degree in Signal and Image Processing from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, France.
Research activities
- Inverse problems in imaging science.
- Generalizations of Radon transform and their applications in imaging science.
- Scattered ionizing radiation imaging.
- Artificial intelligence-based approaches in tomographic imaging
- Applications (biomedical imaging, astrophysics, industrial non-destructive evaluation, laser imaging, geological prospection, micro-wave imaging, environment surveillance, land security, cultural heritage object imaging).
Ongoing projects
2021-2024 DIMMath’Innov (île de France region) : Contributions of artificial intelligence, mathematical modelling and optimization in tomographic imaging
- PI : Mai K. Nguyen-Verger (ETIS)
- Partners : Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie, Modélisation (AGM) CY Cergy Paris Université
- Funding : PhD student Ishak Ayad
2018-2021 LabEx MME-DII (ANR-11-LBX-0023-01) : New concept of Circular Compton Scattering Tomography
- PI : Mai K. Nguyen-Verger (ETIS)
- Partners : Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM) CY Cergy Paris Université
- Funding : PhD student Cécilia Tarpau
2018-2021 DIMMath’Innov (île de France region) : Compton Scattering tomography modelling and associated inverse problems
- PI : Mai K. Nguyen-Verger (ETIS)
- Partners : Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles (LMV) UVSQ-Paris Saclay Université
- Funding : PhD student Cécilia Tarpau