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Camille Simon Chane received her Msc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008. In 2009 she received the French Engineering diploma from ENSEA. She received her PhD in Imaging Instrumentation and Computer Vision from the University of Burgundy in 2013 for her work on the registration of featurless 3D and multispectral data.
In 2013 and 2014 she worked at the Cité de la musique, developing a luminescence multispectral camera for the study of violin varnishes. She was then part of Ryad Benosman’s Vision and Natural Computation team at the Institut de la Vision, where she acquired her expertise in event-based data processing. Since 2017 she is an Associate Professor at ENSEA, conducting her research in the Cell team of ETIS laboratory. Her interests continue to be related to data processing from unconventional sensor for public health and cultural heritage.
Research activities
- Deeptera: Innovation for the surveillance of bloodsucking dipters
- Generation and characterisation of cerebral organoid images
- Event-based processing
- Evaluation of the condition of conservation of archival volumes
- A deep learning-based pipeline for the conservation assessment of bindings in archives and libraries
- An annotated wing interferential pattern dataset of dipteran insects of medical interest for deep learning
- Species identification of phlebotomine sandflies using deep learning and wing interferential pattern (WIP)
- DeepSquitoes: A mobile system framework for the surveillance of disease-carrying mosquitoes