VODISLAV Cristian-Dan
Member of team :
Phone :
01 34 25 28 14
Dan Vodislav is Professor at the CY Cergy Paris Université (CYU) since 2008 and currently head of the MIDI group in the ETIS lab. He was previously Assistant Professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) Paris, from 1997 to 2008, member of the Vertigo team in the CEDRIC lab. He received his PhD in Computer Science from CNAM Paris in 1997 and his Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Computer Science from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (currently Sorbonne Université) in 2007.
His main research interests are in the field of large-scale Web data integration, with a specific focus on managing and querying XML data, Linked Open Data, information streams and multimedia data, with applications related to web search engines, social network querying, scientific and cultural data management, etc.
Dan Vodislav is currently Deputy Vice-president for Research at CYU and Director for Research of CY Tech and was Head of the Department of Computer Science of CYU (2015-2018) and Responsible of the Research and Development of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of CYU (2015-2020). He is involved these last years in several projects and research networks in the field of cultural heritage data management, as responsible of the PATRIMEX EquipEx project, member of the Steering Committees of E-RIHS France and of DIM MAP, co-responsible of the Data Work Package in the ESPADON EquipEx+ project, etc.
Research activities
- Knowledge integration in the Web of Data
- Information streams querying
- Cultural heritage data management
Ongoing projects
- ESPADON (PIA EquipEx+, 2021-2028), co-responsible of the Data Work Package: designing and implementing models, methods and tools for representing the various characteristics of, and related information about cultural heritage objects (including descriptive data, physico-chemical analysis data, historical and bibliographic data), for integrating such data from several sources, for extracting new knowledge from such data, for browsing, searching and visualizing this information.
- MediaPat (FSP, 2021-2024), co-leader, PhD of Alexandra Stoleru: in the context of the ESPADON project, the design of a model for the Augmented Heritage Object (AHO) representing the information associated to the physical object, and of an information system for managing and consulting a large and heterogeneous set of AHOs, starting from several identified cases covering various categories of cultural heritage objects.
- ClasTer (FSP, 2021-2024), co-leader, PhD of Laura Willot: in the context of the restoration site of the Notre Dame cathedral, the design and implementation of methods and tools for automatic classification of the photographic images taken on the site, by using spatiotemporal and semantic criteria based on their visual content and metadata descriptions.
- SoCoRe! (ANR, 2019-2022), co-leader: design and implementation of tools for creating and integrating data describing the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage objects, and for querying such data from several sources.
- Creating a Dataset for the Detection and Segmentation of Degradation Phenomena in Notre-Dame de Paris
- Caractérisation de relations de proximité temporelle, spatiale et sémantique pour l'exploration d'un corpus d'images photographiques
- Le rôle transversal du groupe de travail “données numériques”
- Explorer un corpus de données interconnectées au prisme des dimensions spatiales, temporelles et sémantiques